名称: Solo Musica
介绍: Solo Musica is not just a classical record company. We also see ourselves as a “home” for all the individual artists of the present time. The intensive cooperation with our partners gives us the necessary flexibility that has become necessary today in the age of the fast-moving market. But flexibility and technology are only the basis on which it really gets exciting: the creative collaboration with the composers and musicians. Because only when artist and music company pull together on the musical and emotional level, the result can be extraordinary. That’s why the artists at Solo Musica are involved in the entire production process. Only through our intense collaboration with the artists do standard productions differ from the individual, extraordinary shots we stand for – separates the wheat from the chaff.
The time has come again for a carefully planned, long-term career development in which all threads come together in one hand and where the artist feels properly presented and “lifted”. Unusual musical compositions are just as much a part of the program as the “pure” classical tones. We see ourselves as border crossers between the musical worlds. Music is the language – the language is the music. The boundaries are fluid … in sound and image. The essence is the music …