伟大作曲家的文字和音乐 - 瓦格纳,Nicholas Boulton
伟大作曲家的文字和音乐 - 瓦格纳
FLAC / 44.1kHz/16bit
Naxos Rights US, Inc. · 2024年06月04日
价格: ¥78.00

专辑简介: 拜罗伊特剧院(Bayreuth Festspielhaus)是理查德·瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)雄心壮志的见证——这座剧院是专门为演出他的沉浸体验的音乐剧而设计和建造的。由于受到了贝多芬的影响,瓦格纳的作品成为欧洲音乐文化的基石,但他是经历了怎样的历程才取得这一非凡成就的呢?在这部引人入胜的有声传记中,我们将听到瓦格纳波澜起伏的个人生活、他颇具争议的政治观点,以及他为将自己...

# 曲目 时长/大小 试听
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
1 Introduction 00:00:08
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
2 Lohengrin, Act III: Prelude (excerpt) 00:01:32
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
3 On laying the foundation stone of the Bayreuth Festspielhaus on 22 May 1872, Richard Wagner - who turned 59 years old that day - declared'I need a theatre such as I alone can build…' 00:07:07
作品集: 作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
4 String Quartet No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 131: V. Presto (excerpt) 00:00:42
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
5 An extract from Ludwig van Beethoven's String Quartet in C sharp minor, Op. 131 is a useful place to start to sketch Wagner's life history. 00:02:19
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
6 Symphony in C Major: I. Sostenuto e maestoso - Allegro con brio (excerpt) 00:00:51
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
7 Given his family's theatrical pursuits, it is perhaps no surprise that Wagner turned his attention from the concert hall to the stage. 00:02:37
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
8 Die Feen (The Fairies), Act I: Overture (excerpt) 00:01:23
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
9 Wagner's second completed opera Das Liebesverbot ('The Ban on Love'), a comic opera in two acts modelled on Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, was written during the composer's brief tenure as… 00:04:46
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
10 Rienzi, Act II: Chor der Friedensboten (Chorus of the Messengers of Peace) (excerpt) 00:01:13
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
11 Triumph, however, did not ensue. Rather, calamity, disillusionment and failure. 00:03:46
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
12 Der fliegende Holländer (The Flying Dutchman), Act I: Aria: Die Frist ist um (The time has come) (excerpt) 00:02:02
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
13 Success with Rienzi brought immediate benefits, not least the premiere on 2 January 1843 - also at the Dresden Hoftheater - of The Flying Dutchman… 00:03:25
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
14 Lohengrin, Act I: Prelude (excerpt) 00:01:28
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
15 There was a reason that Wagner did not conduct, or even attend, the Weimar premiere of Lohengrin in the late summer of 1850. 00:02:46
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
16 Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), Act III: Ride of the Valkyries (excerpt) 00:01:11
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
17 It would be some time before music such as this, Ride of the Valkyries from Wagner's Die Walküre, would be heard in the theatre. 00:04:49
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
18 Das Rheingold (The Rhinegold), Scene 4: Weiche, Wotan, weiche! Flieh' des Ringes Fluch! (Yield, Wotan, yield! Escape from the ring's curse!) (excerpt) 00:01:47
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
19 Wagner's symphonic-style orchestral writing has been thought to betray the influence of a composer mentioned at the start of this biographyBeethoven. 00:04:38
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
20 Tristan und Isolde, Act I: Prelude (excerpt) 00:02:24
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
21 A second major work by Wagner created during the lengthy hiatus in the composition of the Ring provided a stark contrastthis was Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg… 00:01:17
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
22 Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (The Mastersingers of Nuremberg), Act III: Wacht auf, es nahet gen den Tag (Awake! The dawn of day is nearing) (excerpt) 00:02:27
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
23 Wagner had begun the music to Die Meistersinger in February 1862 while living temporarily in Mainz. 00:02:19
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
24 Tannhäuser, Act I: Venusberg Music (Paris 1861 version) (excerpt) 00:00:57
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
25 A period of relative calm and contentment was to ensue, thanks entirely to the intervention of the eighteen-year-old Ludwig II, King of Bavaria. 00:05:43
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
26 Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods), Act III Scene 2: Siegfrieds Trauermarsch (Siegfried's Funeral March) (excerpt) 00:01:14
作品集: Great Composers in Words and Music - Richard Wagner
27 Following the premiere of the complete Ring cycle - comprising no less than sixteen hours of music extended over four evenings in mid-August 1876 - Wagner remained for the rest of his life… 00:03:21
作品集: 作曲家: Richard Wagner
28 Parsifal, Act III: Höchsten Heiles Wunder! (Highest holy Wonder!) (excerpt) 00:01:58
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