电视动画片《瓦尼塔斯的手记》改编自望月淳创作的同名漫画作品。该片于 2021 年 7 月开始播出。其原声带由著名音乐制作人梶浦由记操刀制作。
# | 曲目 | 时长/大小 | 价格 | 试听 | |
1 | the legend of the blue eyes | 00:01:29 16M |
¥25.00 |
2 | a symptom of something wrong | 00:01:31 14M |
¥25.00 |
3 | Paris, the city of light | 00:02:05 23M |
¥25.00 |
4 | a happy moment | 00:02:27 28M |
¥25.00 |
5 | in the city of flowers | 00:01:42 18M |
¥25.00 |
6 | the destiny waltz | 00:03:08 37M |
¥25.00 |
7 | never let anyone steal your true name | 00:02:13 25M |
¥25.00 |
8 | a curse-bearer | 00:02:25 25M |
¥25.00 |
9 | inverse operation | 00:03:49 45M |
¥25.00 |
10 | I was moved! | 00:01:35 18M |
¥25.00 |
11 | I will save you without fail! | 00:01:22 16M |
¥25.00 |
12 | I met him and he met me | 00:02:13 23M |
¥25.00 |
13 | when we three were together | 00:01:40 13M |
¥25.00 |
14 | I was amazed! | 00:01:30 15M |
¥25.00 |
15 | a snake in the grass | 00:02:32 27M |
¥25.00 |
16 | making a search | 00:01:51 22M |
¥25.00 |
17 | another peaceful day | 00:01:52 14M |
¥25.00 |
18 | a young noble | 00:02:26 27M |
¥25.00 |
19 | the crimson gauntlet | 00:02:20 29M |
¥25.00 |
20 | he met her and she met him | 00:03:28 39M |
¥25.00 |
21 | Is this love? | 00:02:15 25M |
¥25.00 |
22 | let's go on a date! | 00:02:04 23M |
¥25.00 |
23 | Paris, the city of darkness | 00:02:20 24M |
¥25.00 |
24 | she sings | 00:01:55 20M |
¥25.00 |
25 | look, here comes the parade | 00:02:22 28M |
¥25.00 |
26 | at the ball | 00:01:57 22M |
¥25.00 |
27 | she is a noble lady, my childhood friend | 00:01:23 14M |
¥25.00 |
28 | a fang of the Queen | 00:02:41 31M |
¥25.00 |
29 | a nobleman and his darkness | 00:02:15 24M |
¥25.00 |
30 | the covenant of blood | 00:02:23 25M |
¥25.00 |
31 | what my master said | 00:02:29 22M |
¥25.00 |
32 | now our story begins | 00:02:00 21M |
¥25.00 |
33 | I am Vanitas | 00:02:51 32M |
¥25.00 |
34 | and who are you? | 00:01:18 11M |
¥25.00 |
35 | there were calm days | 00:02:09 20M |
¥25.00 |
36 | my lost friend | 00:02:53 27M |
¥25.00 |
37 | trapped in the past | 00:02:04 21M |
¥25.00 |
38 | le chasseur | 00:03:17 41M |
¥25.00 |
39 | romantic battle | 00:02:38 32M |
¥25.00 |
40 | a speech of a madman | 00:02:09 23M |
¥25.00 |
41 | a young hunter | 00:02:13 25M |
¥25.00 |
42 | the tale of the beast | 00:02:32 25M |
¥25.00 |
43 | the ducal family | 00:02:11 23M |
¥25.00 |
44 | the automatons | 00:01:26 16M |
¥25.00 |
45 | she is our Queen | 00:03:03 34M |
¥25.00 |
46 | the alteration device | 00:03:02 34M |
¥25.00 |
47 | the sunlight and your solitude | 00:02:14 17M |
¥25.00 |
48 | a faithful man | 00:02:18 23M |
¥25.00 |
49 | we still can go together | 00:02:34 23M |
¥25.00 |
50 | if the time comes I'll kill you | 00:02:27 23M |
¥25.00 |
51 | why did you kill our father? | 00:02:51 31M |
¥25.00 |
52 | we can't choose how we live | 00:02:05 20M |
¥25.00 |
53 | if you want to save her | 00:03:20 39M |
¥25.00 |
54 | the gears of destiny | 00:02:17 27M |
¥25.00 |
进入专辑页面,点击心仪的单曲后面的“小耳机”图标可以进行30秒左右的试听,试听使用的文件格式为MP3 48kHZ,和您实际购买的产品格式在音质上略有差距。
此专辑支持流媒体, 开通流媒体Premium会员, 可在APP中聆听.
报告专辑问题 >>
- 唱响吉卜力
- 岸田繁,松下洸平,几田莉拉,家入莉奥,Little Glee Monster,角野隼斗,玉井诗织,木村凯拉,满岛光
- FLAC / 44.1kHz/16bit
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- FLAC / 96kHz/24bit